Hypocritical Lawmaker Posts Christmas Video To GOP YouTube Channel Urging Non-Christians To Convert

Rejoice! For we have found one of America’s greatest hypocrites!

A Republican state lawmaker decided to post a Christmas video to the official YouTube channel of the Wisconsin GOP. 

“For those who may watch this who are not Christians, I invite you to consider the hope offered by the Prince of Peace,” State Rep. Scott Allen tells viewers, calling them to Jesus Christ.

Hoping the viewers watching his message are “filled with joy and high spirits,” and that their “life is full of festivity and rejoicing,” Allen then goes quite biblical:

If, like me, you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, I ask you this holiday season to consider the words found in Hebrews 10: 24-25: “Let us consider how we may spur one another one in word and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.”

He adds,

“My friends, we attain peace through love. This season, think of how you can love the people in your life: Family, friends, neighbors, just a little bit more.”

Friendly Atheist’s Hemant Mehta notes, “There’s a pleasant message from a politician: I invite you to join my religion before you’re destroyed. The subtext, of course, is that he believes there’s something wrong with non-Christians.”

But let’s not just look at Rep. Allen’s message, let’s look at Rep. Allen’s voting record.

In office since just 2014, Allen has sponsored a bill and voted several times to reduce funding for women’s reproductive services clinics, voted to mandate the types of foods that food stamp recipients are allowed to purchase, and voted to drug test recipients of unemployment benefits.

Allen has earned an 86% rating from the NRA.

He also wrote a virulently anti-gay policy position against same-sex couples marrying.

“Heterosexuals have laid claim to the word marriage, and I will protect that claim,” Allen writes, calling “one man and one woman” marriage a “relationship is natural and sacred.” 

In a stunning act of hypocrisy, in Allen’s position against same-sex marriage he writes, “a just society does not discriminate against any one group of people. It does not extend benefits to one group while not extending the same benefits to all groups. A just society protects individual liberties and every person’s right to pursue happiness. Discrimination against homosexuals in housing, in the work force, in access to goods and services, or in any other manner should not be tolerated. Americans are free to associate with whom they would like. Americans are free to contract. Let us not judge others. Let us respect each other’s freedom.”

Like the freedom to marry the person you love, the freedom to eat the foods you want, and the freedom to worship – or not – as you choose?

Watch Allen’s “Merry Christmas!” video:


Image: Screenshot via Wisconsin Assembly Republicans/YouTube
Hat tip Friendly Atheist and Raw Story

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