Rove’s Christmas Warning: Obama’s Successor Will Face ‘Mop-Up Operation Unlike Any In Living Memory’

Karl Rove, aka George W. Bush’s “brain,” published a Christmas op-ed attacking President Obama for not overreacting like his old boss did.

Karl Rove is trying to get Americans to celebrate Christmas by remembering how great a president George W. Bush was.

That will prove to be an impossible task.

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, “Mele Kalik-Baracka,” the former president’s Chief of Staff and “architect” of Bush’s re-election claims “President Obama jets to a Hawaiian holiday, while the world unravels.”

Rove is being roundly and rightly chastised for his holiday attack on President Obama.

New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait in “Karl Rove: Obama Should React to Terrorism Like Bush Did,” observes that Rove “weaves together some combination of delusional optimism about Republican prospects in the next election with hilariously amnesiac attacks on President Obama for allegedly doing things that were in fact done by the president under which Rove served.”

And Salon’s Scott Eric Kaufman accuses Rove of saying, “Obama wishing Americans ‘Merry Christmas’ in Hawaiian proves he’s un-American and soft on ISIS.

But right now, the most important line in Rove’s self-embarrassing attempt to disparage and belittle President Obama while trying to rewrite his own history is the last one in his op-ed:

“Because of his lack of vision, the mop-up operation his successor will face is unlike any in living memory.”

Perhaps Rove has forgotten the disastrous condition George W. Bush left this country in, and all President Obama has done to make it better, so there’s this, via Occupy Democrats:

Merry Christmas, Mr. Rove.


Image via Wikimedia

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