Huckabee To Millennials: ‘We Aren’t Gonna Give You Anything’ But ‘Opportunity To Get Off Your Butt’

Huckabee looses it in talking about what he says he’s hearing from Millennials.

Mike Huckabee Tuesday night at the GOP debate had strong words against the Millennial generation. Rather than legalize marijuana or help them pay for college, a President Huckabee would strongly suggest they join the military.

“All over America I hear young people say, ‘Would you tell me what you’re gonna do? Would you get me free college? Would you make sure that I can have medical marijuana?'” Huckabee said, mocking millennials.

“You know what I think we oughta tell young people, ‘We aren’t gonna give you anything! We’re gonna give you the opportunity to get off your butt and go serve your country and secure your freedom because if you don’t, nobody else is.'”

That suggestion to “get off your butt and go serve your country and secure your freedom” was so strong it led some to think he might reinstate the draft.


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