Donald Trump’s Supporters Are Totally In Favor Of Banning Muslims – Remember, It Was Their Idea

Donald Trump told America two months ago this was coming.

Monday afternoon Donald Trump announced he wants a total ban on all Muslims entering the U.S. Not just Muslim immigrants, but all Muslims, even tourists, an even – get this – American citizens who are Muslim who might have left the country on vacation. All Muslims.

Why are we surprised?

Trump just two months ago let us know this was coming, remember?

Back in September Trump was asked a stunning question by a supporter in New Hampshire: When can we get rid of all the Muslims?

Trump’s response: “We’re going to be looking at a lot of different things…A lot of people are saying that, a lot of people are saying bad things are happening out there.”

Fast forward two months, and now Trump has a “policy” of banning Muslims from America.

It’s important to know that this xenophobic, racist, hate-mongering has never happened in modern-day U.S. presidential political races before, and it goes against everything America stands for, including conservatives’ latest cause, “religious liberty.”

LOOK: Presidential Candidates Respond To Trump’s Call For Immediate Ban On All Muslims Entering US

Where are Tony Perkins and Mike Pence? Where are all the GOP lawmakers who put forth legislation to protect religious liberty in America – by allowing anti-LGBT discrimination? Why aren’t they denouncing Trump’s latest atrocious “policy,” which clearly violates the very definition of religious liberty?

Meanwhile, Trump’s supporters back his Muslim ban 100 percent, as CNN reported Monday night:

Not a single Trump supporter in South Carolina standing in line disagreed with Trump’s new anti-Muslim policy. Not a single one.

One woman even went so far as to claim it was “a very prudent idea, and I think he’s done due diligence when he makes that statement.”

Donald Trump is winning because he is just holding up a mirror and reflecting the ignorance, fear and hate in the hearts of GOP voters. 


Image: Screenshot via CNN/YouTube

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