Democrats Post Perfect Holiday Guide For How To Deal With ‘Your Republican Uncle’

The Holidays can be great, but dealing with “your Republican uncle” can be a challenge. Just in time, the DNC has put up a website to help you talk sense with your Republican family members.

Are you headed to your parents’ or grandparents’ home for the holidays? Do you have one or more family members who you just know will be so excited about voting for Donald Trump, or want to bash Obamacare?

Fear not!

The Democratic National Committee has you covered.

Their new website, Your Republican Uncle, offers “the most common myths spouted by your family members who spend too much time listening to Rush Limbaugh and the perfect response to each of them.”

For instance, if your faced with a family member who says, “Donald Trump is a successful businessman — he’ll be great for the economy,” you now have a great response:

“Multiple declarations of bankruptcy aside, a President Trump would help the economy as much as any other Republican (which is to say, not at all). Trump’s plan would add trillions — with a ‘t’ — to the deficit over the next decade. That’s bad leadership in the board room and the Oval Office.”

Or, if your less-than supportive relative, or invited family friend spouts off, saying, “I just don’t think gay couples should be able to get married. This is the end of the American family as we know it,” you can tell them:

“We’re still gathered together, aren’t we? History will remember this summer’s marriage equality decision as a huge victory for equality, but there’s still more work to do for LGBT Americans. We need to make sure they aren’t discriminated against at work, for one.”


Not heading home for the holidays, or not “Republican uncle” to deal with? Your Republican Uncle is Twitter-enabled, so you can tweet the responses to anyone you like!

Happy Holidays!


Image: Screenshots via Your Republican Uncle


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