Coca-Cola Subsidiary Removing Donald Trump Quotes From Bottle Caps

Coca-Cola’s Honest Tea brand won’t be spouting any Donald Trump sayings going forward – but rest assured, President Obama had nothing to do with it.

Fans of Honest Tea won’t have to see “inspirational” quotes from Donald Trump for much longer. The subsidiary of mega-international conglomerate Coca-Cola responded to a tweet sent yesterday from Paul Shapiro, a Humane Society vice president:

We’re in the process of having his quotes removed from our caps,” Honest Tea told Shapiro the same day.

Shapiro told NBC News, “I usually don’t think of organic green tea consumers as target demographic for Donald Trump.”

The Trump quote wasn’t objectionable, and the company claims it was in the process of phasing out the quote. 

When Honest Tea was acquired by Coca-Cola in 2011, Goldman said the world’s biggest beverage maker advised Honest Tea that there was less risk of offending people with quotes from people who have been dead for a while,” NBC News reports. 

Of course, that was four years ago…

Meanwhile, it turns out that when President Barack Obama first moved into the White House, the New York Times reported there is “a new addition to White House cuisine: the refrigerators are stocked with the president’s favorite organic brew: Honest Tea, in Mr. Obama’s preferred flavors of Black Forest Berry and Green Dragon.”


Image by Paul Shapiro/Twitter

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