Clinton Tells 5th Grader America Needs ‘More Love And Kindness’ And We Must ‘Stand Up To Bullies’

Hillary Clinton shares a warm moment and offers support to a fifth grade girl who asked about bullies.

Speaking to a crowd in Iowa today, Hillary Clinton called on a young girl who asked what the Democratic frontrunner would do about bullying.

“What are you going to do about all this bullying, not just because of people who want to be mean, but mental, and physical, and diseases that people have that they’re able to live with every day?,” the young girl, a fifth grader, asked.

“Can you tell me a little bit more about why that’s on your mind?,” Clinton asked.

“I have asthma, and occasionally I’ve heard people talking behind my back about not wanting to be near me because I have asthma,” the girl, Hannah Tandy said. “I mean, people, it’s not contagious.” 

Clinton then paused, grabbed Hannah’s hand, then put her arm around her and gave her a hug.

“I really do think we need more love and kindness in our country,” Clinton told Hannah and the audience. “I think we are not treating each other with the respect and the care that we should show toward each other,” Clinton, sounding a bit tearful, said, as the audience applauded and nodded in agreement. 

“That’s why it’s important to stand up to bullies wherever we are, and why we shouldn’t let anybody bully his way into the presidency, because that is not who we are as Americans.”

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The Huffington Post reports “Clinton told Tandy she was ‘very brave’ for asking her question,” and adds, Hannah Tandy “was pleased with Clinton’s answer.”

Clinton added that she’s “somebody who’s had a lot of terrible things said about me” but that she was “old enough that it doesn’t particularly bother” her. She said social media allows people to more easily make nasty comments. 

Clinton may have been referencing Donald Trump‘s sexist and misogynistic attack on her the night before. The GOP frontrunner described Clinton’s 2008 loss to Barack Obama as getting “schlonged,” and said her presumed trip to the restroom during a commercial break at the Democratic debate was “disgusting.”



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Image: Screenshot via NBC News

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