‘Just Your Ordinary American Family’: GOP Lawmaker’s Christmas Card Shows Family Holding Guns

Nevada state lawmaker and GOP candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives Michele Fiore has a unique way to wish you a merry Christmas.

Michele Fiore says she and her family are just like you and yours.

“We’re just your ordinary American family,” Fiore’s Christmas card, which she also posted to Facebook, reads. “It’s up to Americans to protect America,” the card says. It’s signed, “With love & liberty.”

If you haven’t guessed by now, Michele Fiore is a Tea Party Republican and she’s been trying to make a name for herself every chance she gets.

Fiore went on national TV to support Cliven Bundy, the rancher who fed his cattle for two decades on federal land without paying for it. Despite owing the government about $1 million, Tea Party activists claimed Bundy was being treated unfairly for effectively stealing from the taxpayers, which led to an armed standoff with federal law enforcement.

LOOK: ‘An Armed Society Is A Safe Society’: GOP Rep. Poses With Gun, Slams Gun Free Zones After Shooting

Fiore, who is 45, also made headlines when she claimed that cancer is merely a fungus, and can be cured with simple salt water.

The Nevada lawmaker will be running for Congress

As is evidenced by her Christmas card, she’s a staunch advocate for the Second Amendment. Everyone in her family pictured on the card is holding a gun, except for the toddlers. Even the young child in the center is holding a gun.

Research proves that having people who own a firearm are 4.5 times more likely to get shot. Women who live with a gun in the home are three times more likely to get murdered, and women who buy a gun are 50 percent more likely to be killed by an intimate partner. Research also proves that 110 children die each year from accidental shootings.

43% of homes with guns and kids have at least one unlocked firearm,” MotherJones reports. “For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.”

Some responses to Fiore’s Christmas card via Twitter:



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Hat tip: Talking Points Memo

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