‘I Do Really Well With The Zero To Eight Crowd’: Barack Obama, Jerry Seinfeld, And A Stingray (Video)

President Barack Obama joins comedian Jerry Seinfeld in his popular web series, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, and it’s hilarious. (Also, great car!)

Barack Obama has been known to be a bit of a ham, but he’s also a president with a great sense of comedic timing and delivery, so teaming up with comedy legend Jerry Seinfeld to kick off season 7 of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee just makes sense.

Of course, any second now we’ll hear from conservatives that by doing this hysterical video Barack Obama has disgraced the Office of the President, blah, blah, blah. He’ll go down as one of the finest, most-accomplished, and even funniest presidents ever.

In the video, Obama and Seinfeld drive around in a beautiful 1963 Corvette Stingray, then later they sit for a bit in the President’s car, then in the White House.

Obama tells Seinfeld he does really well with the “zero to eight crowd,” and kids love him because of his big ears that make him look “kind of like a cartoon character,” and because they like to say his name as one word: “Barackobama.”

Obama reveals he how he blows off steam. “I curse,” Obama says. “Bad stuff or stupid stuff is happening constantly every day. So you have to be able to just make fun of a lot of that,” he admits. “That’s when cursing is really valuable.”

And Obama says a “pretty sizable percentage” of world leaders are out of their mind. “The longer you stay in office, the more likely that is to happen.”

This is good stuff. Enjoy it. 

Watch at the top above (click on the image above “From Crackle: Just Tell Him You’re the President“), or at Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, or at Crackle.


Image: Screenshot via Crackle

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