Colbert Crucifies GOP 2016 Candidates: ‘Either A Terrorist Or Running For President’ (Video)

Stephen Colbert unleashes unusual thinly-veiled rage on Republican presidential candidates attacking immigrants.

Stephen Colbert tends to keep his new CBS show more on the light side, but Thursday night, in the wake of a week of anti-immigrant attacks from the GOP that culminated in the House voting to stop Syrian refugees from coming to America, the “Late Show” host let his rage show – and rightly so.

Noting the acronym for the House’s “American Security Against Foreign Enemies Act” bill was “ASAFEA,” Colbert quipped that it was created so that “no one with a name like that will be allowed into the country.”

Mocking Donald Trump’s hair as a “refugee from his head,” Colbert then threw cold water on Trump’s claim that Syrian refugees wouldn’t want to settle in the U.S. because of the winter weather.

“Yeah, it’s a tough call for the refugees — do I want to stay in a war zone where my family faces almost certain death, or do I want to go somewhere where I have to put on a jacket before I go to the mall?”

Colbert also singled out Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush, who, unlike every other GOP presidential candidate who wants to ban all Syrian refugees from entering America, want to allow only Christian refugees. He mocked Cruz’s outlandish claim that “there is no meaningful risk of Christians committing acts of terror” by pointing to a photo of KKK members at a cross burning.

“I’m sure these guys right here are just campers roasting marshmallows. You can tell they’re campers because they’re each wearing one-man tents.”

And with that, he turned to Jeb Bush, who infamously this week insisted that if “you’re a Christian you can prove you’re a Christian.”

“If you want to know if somebody is Christian, just ask them to complete this sentence,” Colbert offered, quoting from the Bible.

“Jesus said I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you — and if they don’t say, ‘welcomed me in,’ they are either a terrorist or they are running for president.”



Image: Screenshot via The Late Show with Stephen Colbert/YouTube
Hat tip: Raw Story


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