That ‘Starbucks Hates Jesus’ Pastor Was Just On CNN. It Didn’t Go Well. (Video)

Pastor Joshua Feuerstein, whose video protesting Starbucks for its plain red coffee cups went viral, talks to CNN. It doesn’t go well.

If you ever become a newsmaker and get invited on CNN to talk about your work, you should probably hope the description under your name doesn’t read, “Protesting Starbucks Holiday Cups.”

Sadly for Joshua Feuerstein, a professional anti-gay outrage machine whose mastered the art of getting attention at any cost, it does.

Over the weekend, as nearly everyone now knows, Feuerstein posted one of his many famous screaming videos (and please, pastor, learn which way you’re supposed to hold the cell phone camera?) to Facebook, and it immediately went viral, because Christians are being persecuted and oppressed.

LOOK: Twitter Mocks #MerryChristmasStarbucks With Hysterical And Insightful #ItsJustACup


Starbucks “hates Jesus,” Feuerstein ranted, because the multi-billion dollar international coffee conglomerate decided to change its Holiday cups from red with winter logos, to red. Just plain red. Which makes Jesus, or, at least, Joshua, cry.

His video has been viewed more than 13 million times in just four days. He’s asking followers to go to Starbucks and tell the baristas their name is “Merry Christmas,” to “trick” the coffee company into writing “Merry Christmas” on their cups. 

CNN’s Brianna Keilar interviewed Feuerstein today, and it didn’t go well for him, as she even introduced him as “Merry Christmas.”

Keilar asked Feuerstein to explain why the plan red cup is making him so angry.

“Well, I think it’s much more than just a cup I think it’s the overall narrative and I think that the cup is very symbolic – parabolic – in that it parallels a society that is essentially trying to remove Christmas from Christmas,” Feuerstein responded.

WATCH: Here’s The Sequel That ‘Starbucks Hates Jesus’ Guy Made

Parabolic? The Starbucks’ cup is a parable? Or is it a parabola?

Feuerstein falsely stated that South Park mall was “required” to take down its Christmas tree so it “doesn’t offend anybody.” False. The management corporation tried something different, a glacier, it flopped, and they’re putting up a Christmas tree. Period. 

He also claims that “there are cities banning nativity scenes in front of churches because they don’t want it to be offensive.” Unless Feuerstein can prove that, we’re calling it bull. And if that is happening, that’s a valid First Amendment issue that perhas he should throw his wight behind, not a corporation’s coffee cups.

Radio host Pete Dominick was invited to weigh in, and he did, calling Feuerstein an “entrepreneurial bigot,” for his serial outrage. Dominick also reminded viewers of Feuerstein’s video calling Christian to stand up to same-sex marriage  – with guns, as he waved a semi-automatic in the air. 

Sadly, Feuerstein said he was unable to hear Dominick, and the interview ended when Feuerstein began his birther schtick, saying President Barack Obama had to “pretend to be” Christian “in order to get elected.”




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Image: Screenshot via YouTube

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