State Judge Orders Foster Child Removed From Home Because Parents Are Gay (Video)

A state judge claiming research he has viewed says children raised by same-sex parents underperform has ordered a foster child removed from the home of a lesbian couple.

April Hoagland and Beckie Peirce of Carbon County, Utah, are about to lose their foster child because a state judge believes same-sex parents are bad for children. Judge Scott Johansen has ordered the baby girl removed from their care, insisting she must be placed with heterosexual parents, despite the baby’s biological mother wanting her child to stay in the couple’s home.

“We are shattered,” April Hoagland tells KUTV. “I was kind of caught off-guard because I didn’t think anything like this would happen anymore.”

“It’s not fair and it’s not right and it hurts me really badly because I haven’t done anything wrong.”

The couple, who have other children and intended to adopt the little girl, say it’s “heartbreaking.”

“He said through his research he had found out that kids in homosexual homes don’t do as well as they do in heterosexual homes,” they told KUTV. “When they asked [him] to show his research he would not.”

“He’s never been in our home, never spent time with the child in our home or our other children so he doesn’t know anything about this,” Beckie Peirce says.

Both women, who are legally married, were approved to be foster parents by Utah’s Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS), after a home inspection, background checks, and interviews were performed.

Utah’s DCFS says they cannot refuse a judge’s order, but they are having their attorney’s review the order before executing it next week.

There is no valid research that proves children raised by same-sex parents do not perform as well as children raise by different-sex parents. Some research actually shows children raised by same-sex parents perform better in certain areas, and other studies show same-ex parents spend up to twice as much active, quality time with their children than different-sex parents do.

The most widely publicized study that claimed to show adult children raised by same-sex parents, authored by Mark Regnerus, has been thoroughly discredited by the scientific community and others, including in over 75 articles published by The New Civil Rights Movement. 


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