Scalia Tells Law School Students SCOTUS Marriage Ruling Faulty: ‘What About Child Abusers?’

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is back attacking LGBT people again.

Antonin Scalia spoke at Georgetown University Monday, and took the opportunity to attack LGBT people, same-sex marriage, and the ruling in Obergefell which found that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry.

“What minorities deserve protection?” he rhetorically asked the first year law students. “What? It’s up to me to identify deserving minorities?”

The New York Times reports the 79-year old jurist “said those decisions should generally be made by the democratic process rather than by judges.”

He also allowed that the First Amendment protects political and religious minorities but suggested that there was no principled way for courts to make further distinctions based on the text of the Constitution. “What about pederasts?” he asked. “What about child abusers?”

“This is a deserving minority,” he said sarcastically. “Nobody loves them.”

In other words, Scalia, a devout Catholic, thinks the civil rights of LGBT people should be put up for a vote, or decided by elected politicians. Would he think so of Catholics, who were an oppressed minority a century go?

Scalia is among the Supreme Court justices who are the most hostile to civil rights. 



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Image by Shawn via Flickr and a CC license

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