Ben Carson Tweets Map Of America, Puts States In Wrong Place

In a tweet meant to show which state governors are refusing to accept refugees, Ben Carson tweeted a map that gets basic geography wrong.

Today, Ben Carson published an op-ed in the Washington Post, “My plan to defeat the Islamic State.” 

But last night the Carson campaign published a map that put American states in the wrong place.

Carson’s “plan” to defeat ISIS in part relies on the hacktivist group Anonymous, or their tactics, and the willingness of social media companies, like Twitter and Facebook, to enforce their terms of service.

Carson’s map of the U.S. puts five New England states “in the wrong location,” the Washington Post reports.

Here’s Carson’s messed up map his campaign tweeted, then deleted, last night:

The Washington Post had some fun with describing the mistakes in the map of “Ben Carson’s America.”

As you can see, in Carson’s map the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine are moved northeast by about 150 miles or so. Vermont and New York now have hundreds of miles of new beachfront property. Massachusetts shares a border with Canada. Maine straddles what is now the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.

Also if you look closely at the mid-Atlantic area, you’ll see that Virginia’s portion of the Delmarva Peninsula is colored red to match Maryland, rather than gray with the rest of Virginia.

You can’t really blame Ben Carson for the bad map, but someone had to approve it, didn’t they? 


Image of map via Twitter
Image of Ben Caron by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license


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