‘Congress Didn’t Pass Any Law’: Pat Robertson Says Same-Sex Marriage Still Illegal (Video)

Today, not-an-attorney Pat Robertson interprets the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage ruling, gets it wrong.

Monday morning Pat Robertson offered some advice to a 700 Club viewer who wrote in asking how to refute a letter to the editor that said the Bible says Christians must obey the laws of man.

Robertson, who, despite being the founder, chancellor and CEO of Regent University is not an attorney (as far as we know), claimed, as many far right wing religious zealots have, that the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell applies only to the plaintiff who brought about the lawsuits, not to the entire citizenry.

But it was Robertson’s explanation that should leave viewers scratching their heads.

WATCH: Pat Robertson: Gays Waging ‘Organized Thrust’ To ‘Stick It To The Christians’

“In the legal system, party A sues party B over marriage, ‘I want to get married to them,’ and the court says, ‘Okay, you can get married,’” Robertson explained.

“That doesn’t mean that I’ve got to get married to homosexuals, it doesn’t mean that you have to nor does it mean that it’s the law of the land,” Robertson insisted, getting two out of three correct.

“Congress didn’t pass any law. Your state legislature didn’t pass a law. So you’re not under anything, it’s a decision of the court having to do with a couple of people. Now they would like to make it bigger than that but, in terms of the Constitution, it isn’t,” he falsely exclaimed.

That same-sex couples have the constitutional right to marry is, in fact, the “law of the land.” No state government can deny same-sex couples that right, just as no state government can deny different-sex couples that right.

Right Wing Watch notes that in June, when Obergefell as decided, Robertson reacted “with warnings about bestiality, imprisonment, tyranny, financial collapse and God’s wrath.”

Here’s Robertson “explaining” the law on same-sex marriage:



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Image: Screenshot via 700 Club
Hat tip: Right Wing Watch


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