Pat Robertson: Letting A Gay Grandson Bring His ‘Friend’ To Thanksgiving ‘Enables’ His ‘Lifestyle’

Pat Robertson tells an especially homophobic grandfather how to deal with his gay grandson.

Thanksgiving is a time when families to come together, often traveling long distances and enduring uncomfortable flights or long drives just to see loved ones.

Except for one particularly homophobic grandfather who takes advice from octogenarian televangelist Pat Robertson.

“Our family is planning a big get together for Thanksgiving,” grandfather “Jim” writes to Robertson, “and our grandson who is gay, has asked that he be allowed to bring his ‘friend,'” he says.

Even though Jim says “we love him and he will always be welcome” in their lives, “we will not be  a part of the lifestyle he has chosen.”

If that weren’t judgmental and false enough, Jim adds that he has “told him in the past that the presence of his sex partners would not be welcome.”

Sex partners? Does Jim refer to his wife as his “sex partner”?

Of course, Robertson was only too happy to weigh in to support his fellow grandfather’s homophobia.

Robertson told Jim he was “taking the right stand” and if he were to allow his gay grandson to bring a “friend,” he would “become an enabler” – as if having a same-sex relationship is akin to having an addiction.

“The chances are there’s a real good chance that he might come out of that so-called lifestyle,” Robertson counsels, falsely, “but if you’re going along with it, he says, ‘Well, mom likes it, so it’s okay.'”

“He’s trying to get you to affirmatively accept what he’s doing,” Robertson added. “He’s trying to force you to do something.”

Robertson then compared allowing the gay grandson bringing his “friend” to Thanksgiving to allowing him to bring a stripper to Thanksgiving.

“it’s outrageous that he would do that, but that’s what’s happening … Let’s push people to see how far they’ll bend and what you’re doing is exactly right, saying, ‘I’m not going to let it happen.'”

Of course, Jesus would have had a different response.



Image: Screenshot via 700 Club
Hat tip and video: Right Wing Watch

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