Just How Many Lies Did The GOP Presidential Candidates Tell At The Debate?

Some candidates in this year’s GOP presidential field have gained a reputation for lying. But did any one of them not tell at least one falsehood, fib, or tall tale at the CNBC GOP debate?

After last month’s CNN GOP presidential debate, Carly Fiorina won strong praise from the right for her performance, but as many noted, that’s exactly what it was. Her lies about Planned Parenthood and the debunked videos she claimed to show things that even the conservative media was forced to admit were false, earned her a bad reputation on credibility and truthfulness.

Apparently, her competitors on the right decided a few tall tales, fibs, or lies, were worth the risk of exposure, if it gained them some points among their base.

The nonpartisan nonprofit FactCheck.org looked at some of the most egregious claims made by the GOP candidates Wednesday night. Here’s their list of lies, falsehoods, and fibs, via Twitter:

Another fact-checking group, Politifact, gave Chris Christie and Donald Trump a “Pants On Fire” rating (the highest false determination) for claiming Bernie Sanders will raise taxes to 90%.



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Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr and a CC license 


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