Huckabee Ally David Lane (Still) Fighting Doritos Rainbows As ‘A Battle For The Soul Of America’

Top religious advisor, political kingmaker, and Huckabee supporter and ally David Lane sees their fight against Doritos Rainbows as “a battle for the soul of America.”

David Lane and Mike Huckabee have been working together for years, so it’s not surprising the evangelical activists working to turn America into a theocracy would team up to attack an innocent fundraiser benefitting a charity that works to help fight LGBTQ youth and teen suicide.

Lane is the head of the American Renewal Project, a shadowy group that operates out of the headquarters of – and is mostly funded by – the American Family Association.

On September 17, Doritos announces its campaign to help raise money for the It Gets Better Project, a non-profit co-founded by Dan Savage and his husband. International snack giant Frito-Lay created Doritos Rainbows, and for a $10 donation, you could get a bag of the limited-time offered cool ranch flavored multi-colored corn chips. That limited time offer was literally 24 hours, because on September 18, Doritos announced they were sold out.

Huckabee a week later began a campaign attacking Doritos and Frito-Lay, and David Lane joined him.

Lane, who in 2013 called for a “war to restore a Christian America,” told TIME magazine in an article published Sunday that “Frito-Lay has stepped into a cultural war.”

“It’s a war of ideology,” says Lane, whose top goals include getting 1000 pastors across the nation to run for political office at the local, state, and national levels, “mobilizing 65 to 80 million evangelical Christians” to vote, and putting an evangelical Christian, like Huckabee, whom he supports, in the White House. 

As recently as Thursday, Lane sent out a tweet to an op-ed he wrote labeling Dan Savage an “anti-Christian bully,” who “is the distinct outcome of a decadent, godless society ruined (and now ruled) by secularists.”  

TIME reports that in “a letter to over 100,000 pastors, Lane wrote that ‘tolerance for Frito-Lay’s brazen corporate support of hate speech by Dan Savage— that were it directed toward Muslim’s, would warrant a Justice Department investigation and prosecution— is chipping away at the very character and soul of the American experience.'”

No doubt that “chipping away at the very character and soul of the American experience” wasn’t a pun about the cool ranch flavored multi-colored corn chips.

Lane also accused Dan Savage of “promoting an agenda that we believe will collapse America.”

“Homosexuals,” Lane says, “used to have a libertarian position: ‘let me do what we do in the privacy of my own home.’ They’ve moved into a totalitarian position: ‘you’re going to participate in our weddings, or we’re going to bankrupt you.’ The next step is fascism: ‘you’re going to cheer at our weddings, or we’re going to put you in jail.'”



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Image by fiulgbtqa via Instagram

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