Watch What Jeb Bush Just Told A Roomful Of Republicans About Mass Shootings: ‘Stuff Happens’ (Video)

Arguing against any gun control measures, Jeb Bush shrugged off mass shootings, one day after a massacre that left nine people dead.

Saying that “I don’t think more government is necessarily the answer to this,” former Florida governor Jeb Bush shared with Republican voters in South Carolina Friday afternoon his feelings about mass shootings, one day after an Oregon community college massacre that left nine dead.

While noting that it’s “very sad to see” these shootings, Bush said, “look, stuff happens, there’s always a crisis, and the impulse is always to do something and it’s not necessarily the right thing to do.”

Watch (audio is not the best):

The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza tweeted the transcript of Bush’s remarks. 

Bush is now under fire for his lackadaisical response to the UCC shooting. Lizza asked Bush if he perhaps had made a mistake in his response.

“No, it wasn’t a mistake, I said exactly what I said. Explain to me what I said wrong,” Bush, frustrated, responded. “Things happen all the time. Things. Is that better?”

President Obama held a news conference this afternoon and was asked how he would react Bush’s remarks.

I don’t even think I have to react to that one,” the President responded. “I think the American people should hear that and make their own judgments based on the fact that every couple of months we have a mass shooting. And they can decide whether they consider that ‘stuff happening.'”



Hat tip: Talking Points Memo

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