Huckabee: My Support Of Duggars Not Hypocritical Because I Haven’t ‘Disparaged’ Gay People (Video)

Mike Huckabee insists he’s no hypocrite – despite his support of Josh Duggar and his family.

Mike Huckabee sat down CNBC’s John Harwood and talked about his support of the Duggar family, including Josh Duggar. The 2016 presidential candidate insisted that his embrace of the “19 Kids and Counting” clan, positioning them as an ideal American family and icons of religious conservatism is not hypocritical.

Harwood reminded Huckabee that in his book he “said that the Duggar family was a model of everything that is good and decent about family, that they practiced live and respect for each other, and a model for the country.”

“Well, out of 19 kids, you know, as far as we know, 18 turned out pretty darn well,” Huckabee, a bit smugly, responded. “That’s a pretty good percentage.”

“I can just imagine quite a few people who feel disparaged about things you’ve said about gay rights, gay marriage, would think ‘Heh, hypocrite,'” Harwood posited.

“Look, I’m not going to defend anything of Josh,” Huckabee responded. “Nothing to defend,” he said of the former head of Family Research Council Action and anti-gay activist who admitted to sexually abusing young girls, including his sisters, when he was a teen. “But I don’t think you can disparage the entire family because one of the members did some pretty bad things.”

“Well, fair enough,” Harwood offered. “Maybe the message that some people would draw is: don’t disparage anybody.”

“I don’t think I have disparaged people, John,” Huckabee insisted. “I feel like I’ve held to a very consistent biblical standard of marriage. Again, I remind you: Same standard of marriage that not only Barack Obama, but Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden…” had, Huckabee inaccurately claimed. 

While Obama, Clinton, and Biden at one point all claimed they believed marriage was only for different-sex couples, never did they support a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Obama even spoke out against Prop 8 as a Senator running for president.

Of course, Huckabee is wholly incorrect when he says he hasn’t “disparaged” people, especially gay people.

As NCRM noted in our “Mike Huckabee’s 10 Worst Anti-Gay Comments” report, Huckabee has compared same-sex marriage advocates to Nazis, he thinks that being gay is just a lifestyle, like choosing to drink alcohol, he has compared homosexuality to pedophilia, he has said that all AIDS patients should be isolated from the public and quarantined, he thinks that legalizing same-sex marriage is just like legalizing drug use and incest, he thinks that same-sex marriage will lead to polygamy, and the moment the Supreme Court handed down its famous decision on same-sex marriage, Huckabee posted this tweet:


If the video doesn’t play properly for you, you can watch it at CNBC. 

Image: Screenshot via CNBC
Hat tip: Raw Story’s Tom Boggioni


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