Watch: Ted Cruz Tells Stephen Colbert Gays Should Ask For Right To Marry ‘At The Ballot Box’

Senator Ted Cruz used his more moderate persona on Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show” but his message was the same.

Ted Cruz was Stephen Colbert’s guest Monday night – a point the “Late Show” host had to remind his audience when they booed the Texas GOP Senator over his comments on same-sex marriage. Cruz attempted a more moderate tone, but his message, and falsification of facts, was the same.

The two discussed Ronald Reagan, with Colbert reminding Cruz that the patron saint of the Republican Party “raised taxes…Reagan actually had an amnesty program for illegal immigrants. Neither of those things would allow Reagan to be elected today.”

“Could you agree with Reagan on those two things?” Colbert queried.

“No, of course not,” Cruz admitted, indicating just how far right, and just how far away from Reagan, his party has gone.

Cruz claimed that he never punches back.

“My response in politics is when others throw rocks and insults, I don’t respond in kind.”

That may be true, but Cruz has a record of throwing the first punch, like when he accused gay people in April of waging a “jihad” against Christians.

LOOK: Ted Cruz’s Top 10 Anti-Gay Statements

Cruz also told Colbert he just wants America to live via his principles.

“Live within our means, stop bankrupting our kids and grandkids, and follow the Constitution,” Cruz offered. 

“And no gay marriage,” Colbert added.

Cruz claimed the Constitution gives the right to define marriage to the states,

“It doesn’t mention marriage in the Constitution,” Colbert responded.

“Let’s be precise,” Cruz retorted. “Under the Constitution marriage is a question for the states.”

“If you want to win an issue, go to the ballot box and win at the ballot box,” Cruz said, addressing same-sex marriage. “That’s the way the Constitution was designed.”

Except that issues of civil rights and equal protections are not, they’re federal, which is why we now are a nation of marriage equality.



Image: Screenshot via YouTube

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