‘Tyranny!’: Mike Huckabee Loses It Over Kim Davis Question At GOP Debate (Video)

Mike Huckabee went into a rage over a question about Kim Davis at the GOP debate, showing America just how crazed the religious right has become.

Governor Mike Huckabee Wednesday night offered what was considered by many to be an embarrassing and flat-out wrong response to a question about Kim Davis and “religious freedom,” claiming America has succumbed to “judicial tyranny.”

Huckabee insisted that America should be able to find a way to accommodate the Kentucky county clerk who to this day refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and scolded America for not learning the false lesson he claims to have learned “in ninth grade civics.”

LOOK: Vast Majority Of Americans Across Nearly Every Demographic Think Kim Davis Is Wrong

“We made accommodations to the Fort Hood shooter, to let him grow a beard,” Huckabee said, wrongly. “We made accommodations to the detainees at Gitmo. I’ve been to Gitmo and I’ve seen the accommodations that we made to the Muslim detainees who killed Americans,” he continued, ignoring the fact that, as Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern notes, those accommodations have “little real impact on anybody else.”

“You’re telling me that you cannot make an accommodation for an elected Democrat county clerk from Rowan County, Kentucky? What else is it other than the criminalization of her faith and the exaltation of everyone else who might be a Fort Hood shooter or a detainee at Gitmo?,” Huckabee, suggesting that Muslims are treated better than Christians, ranted.

Some responses via Twitter:



Image: Screenshot via Townhall Media/YouTube

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