UPDATE: The Kim Davis Twitter Account Everyone’s Talking About Is Totally Fake

A new Twitter account appeared five days ago under the name of Kim Davis – her husband supposedly is running it. And it’s as vile and evil as you’d expect. Is it real? Probably not… But either way, like Donald Trump, it perfectly mirrors the radical right.

Is KimDavis917 really THE Kim Davis?

Five days ago, September 1 – two days before she was taken by federal marshals and placed in the Carter County Detention Center – a Twitter account was created and this was its first tweet:

The location reads “Morehead, KY,” where Davis lived and worked until her incarceration for contempt of court, after refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

“I serve the LORD first and FORMOST!,” the bio reads – and yes, the spelling errors are in the original. “I am a public servant for all His children. tweets from Kim’s husband Joe for now. pleasw stand with Kim.”

LGBT activist Scott Wooledge has asked Twitter to verify the account.

Charles Johnson, longtime blogger who wades even further than I do into the crazy to battle the far right, just posted this:

New York Times reporter (at least, he says he’s a NYTimes reporter) Liam Stack thinks it’s real:

But Dan Savage says it’s not:

And so does the Rude Pundit:

To be clear, we have no way of knowing if it’s real or not. We can hope it isn’t.

UPDATE: After Internet sleuths overnight started dissecting the “Davis” note, the jig was up. Now the name on @KkimDavis917 is #Hillary2016. Totally a fake account. Our statement that it “perfectly mirrors what’s in the hearts and minds of the radical right” was the most factual aspect of the entire charade. We’re leaving this post as originally published, except for this note a a title change. 

But real or not, for now, let’s look at some of the “best” – and by best we mean, worst – tweets, supposedly from Kim Davis’ husband.

Like these, in which he compares her to Martin Luther King, Jr.:

And to Rosa Parks:

Kim Davis in her court testimony said her inability to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples “has never been a gay or lesbian issue.” Seemingly, her husband, or whomever is operating this account, does:

And this was retweeted:

Kim Davis and Mike Huckabee, BFFs forever!

And then, these…

This is the best explanation I’ve seen so far:

What do you think? Real, or not?

Either way, like Donald Trump, it perfectly mirrors what’s in the hearts and minds of the radical right.



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