Kim Davis Supporters Call For Deputy Clerks To Be Fired For Issuing Marriage Licenses

Supporters of Kim Davis reveal exactly what we’ve known all along – this was never about “religious liberty.”

Kim Davis has repeatedly claimed for months that her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples was a “religious liberty” issue, and “never a gay or lesbian issue.” Davis and her attorneys have made that claim despite all evidence to the contrary, like she’s never refused a marriage license to a person who has been divorced.

Now, Davis’ supporters are making clear what the end game really is: stopping same-sex couples from marrying.

“Ante Pavkovic, one of the people who helped organize pro-Davis rallies outside the Grayson, Kentucky, detention center where Davis was jailed, lectured the deputy clerks not to violate their oaths of office,” Reuters reports this morning.

“Do not join them in this any further, and if you can’t do that, then you should just quit,” the 49-year old Pavkovic said in the Rowan County clerk’s office today.

The New York Times adds that Pavkovic “heckled Ms. Davis’s deputies; he held a sign reading, ‘Kim broke no laws. Fire the cowardly clerks that are lawbreakers.'”

Davis supporters are reportedly becoming a safety concern for some LGBT activists, as Buzzfeed’s Dominic Holden notes today:

The deputy clerks today have said that regardless of Davis’ direction when she returns Friday or Monday, they will continue to issue marriage licenses according to the law. 

Yesterday’s rally for Davis also made clear who her supporters are and what they really want.

Waving Confederate and Christian flags, some supporters also held signs that claimed the Supreme Court was the new ISIS.

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith yesterday called Davis’ supporters “haters.” He added they are “the same crowd that says, ‘We don’t want Sharia law, don’t let them tell us what to do, keep their religion out of our lives and out of our government.’ Well, here we go again.”

“When this started, this lawyer said he needed an accommodation for a woman who wanted one. She said she didn’t want her name on a license for gay people,” Smith said. “Now they’ve come up with one, they’ve let her out of jail… But it’s not what they want.”



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Image by Dominic Holden via Twitter

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