Kim Davis Slapped Down By 6th Circuit Court Again

One again a federal court has refused a motion Kim Davis made, making her losing streak even longer.

The vast majority of the American people think Kim Davis has no case, most legal minds think Kim Davis has no case, yet Kim Davis and her ambulance chasing attorneys continue to file and fight for ridiculous motions. It’s almost as if there’s some ulterior motive keeping her in the news.

Late Tuesday the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals denied a motion Davis’ Liberty Counsel attorneys made. The motion? That Davis she not be included in the directive Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear made to all Kentucky county clerks to issue marriage licenses to couples regardless of gender.

The court once again used a phrase Davis must be quite familiar with at this point.

“Davis has not demonstrated a substantial likelihood of success on her federal constitutional claims.”

The Huffington Post notes yesterday’s “ruling is only procedural, but it adds to a string of losses for Davis at all levels of the federal judiciary, including the Supreme Court.”



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Image by Mike Wynn via Twitter

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