Fox News Legal Panel: Kim Davis’ Attorney’s Defense Is ‘Stunningly Obtuse’ And ‘Ridiculously Stupid’

Even Fox News know a charade when they see one. Watch as a legal panel destroys Rowan County clerk Kim Davis’ attorney’s claims.

Monday morning two Fox News legal experts weighed in on Rowan County clerk Kim Davis‘ case and lambasted her attorney, Mat Staver, head of Liberty Counsel. 

Chip Merlin told Fox News’ “Happening Now“ host Gregg Jarrett that Davis’ chances of winning an appeal are “pretty slim, almost none.” 

“I’ve been doing this for thirty years,” Merlin said. “When a judges tells you to do something, and they tell you to do it – its an injunction n this case – and you refuse to do so you can expect to be thrown in jail.”

Jarrett noted that Davis “can still practice her faith, just not on the job in a way that interferes with the legal rights of the citizens she serves. And in fact, the U.S. Supreme Court said so nine years ago.” 

And he quoted the 2006 SCOTUS ruling in Garcetti v. Ceballos: “When a citizen enters government service, the citizen by necessity must accept certain limitations on his or her freedom.”

Noting that Davis already has a “get out of jail card free,” criminal defense attorney Sharon Liko called Davis “a hypocrite.”

“She’s applying for the job of a martyr. She wants to practice her faith by not issuing marriage licenses. Yet, she will not agree to let the deputy county clerks issue marriage licenses even if it’s okay with their faith.”

Liko said Davis, if she can’t meet the obligations of her oath of office, “she needs to resign.”

“When she took the job she swore to uphold the law,” Jarrett said. “We rely on government officials to do that. They can’t just pick and choose what laws they like, which ones they don’t. If they were allowed to do that, wouldn’t that lead to chaos, anarchy and so forth?”

Merlin added that as “an elected official, you have an obligation to uphold other people’s rights.”

Jarrett then played a clip of Davis’ attorney, Mat Staver, saying it is “questionable” whether the Supreme Court has the “constitutional authority” to rule that same-sex couples have a right to marry.

Calling Staver’s statement “stunningly obtuse,” the incredulous Fox New host explained how the law works.

“Whether the Supreme Court has constitutional authority?” Jarrett repeated. “Article III Section 2 of the Constitution gives the Supreme Court constitutional authority to decide constitutional issues!”

Liko said Jarrett’s characterization was “a very polite way of putting it.”

“I would say it’s just a ridiculously stupid statement. The Supreme Court does just that, and they determine constitutionality issues, they resolve these kinds of disputes,” she said. “This woman has a choice, she can either follow the law — she can do her job — or she can get out.”



Image: Screenshot via Fox News’ “Happening Now
Hat tip and video: David Edwards of Raw Story




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