Breaking: GOP House Votes To Defund Planned Parenthood Over Debunked Videos

Republicans in the House just OK’d a bill to block all funding from Planned Parenthood for a year, possibly laying the groundwork for a government shutdown.

Minutes ago House Republicans passed a bill defunding Planned Parenthood for a year, under the guise of wanting to investigate allegations it sells baby parts from aborted fetuses. Those fictitious claims come after an anti-abortion group has spent months working with Congressional Republicans on a strategy to release highly-edited videos that have been thoroughly debunked, for example, here, here, here, and here.

The nearly party-line vote was 241-187. Democrats in the Senate likely will block it, avoiding a guaranteed veto from President Barack Obama. 

“In the face of these videos, with all the alternatives women have for health, why would you want to force your constituents to pay for something so evil?” GOP House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, according to the AP.

During the GOP debate Wednesday evening, upcoming candidate Carly Fiorina falsely described the content of the videos, something conservatives have been doing since their release.


Image by Charlotte Cooper via Flickr and a CC license

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