Tony Perkins: Infidelity ‘Happens’ Unless You Have ‘A Relationship With God’ (Video)

Tony Perkins speaking with Fox News host Megyn Kelly about Donald Trump and Josh Duggar, and talks about Christian evangelicals and hypocrisy.

Fox News host Megyn Kelly Thursday night invited hate group head Tony Perkins to speak for all Christian evangelical voters. Donald Trump and Josh Duggar were their main focus, but Kelly smartly wove through both conversations the theme of conservative Christian hypocrisy.

First up, Donald Trump, who is polling very well among evangelical Christians, a curious fact given Trump’s statements, “policies,” and behaviors. Kelly played a clip from his embarrassing interview Wednesday with Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin and John Heileman. After spending weeks trumpeting his love of the Bible, Trump was asked to cite his favorite Bible verse, and he refused, claiming it was just “too personal” for him to share. He also said he loves the Old Testament and the New Testament “equally.”

Perkins says Donald Trump is “promising” the action evangelicals are looking for, without stating what that looks like. Given Trump’s main focus, immigration, it would be hypocritical for evangelical voters to support Trump on that issue.

Kelly then moved the conversation to Josh Duggar, and cornered Perkins on Duggar’s activities while he was working for Perkins’ Family Research Council. 

“Living without integrity has destructive effects,” Perkins warned. 

Stunningly, Perkins said that integrity and moral standards are “falling out of favor” in America, suggesting that people don’t care about being faithful to their spouse or loved one. 

LOOK: EXCLUSIVE: Why Did Josh Duggar Do It? Former FRC Analyst Explains Conservative Christian Hypocrisy

“I have seen firsthand the devastating effect” of infidelity, Perkins said. “I used to think, ‘How could a man ever do that?, How could a woman ever cheat on her husband?, How could a husband ever do that to his wife?,'” Perkins posited.

And he said that infidelity “happens” unless someone has an active relationship with God.

“You know what, unless someone is daily walking in a relationship with God, and working to keep himself or herself from the influences, it happens.”

Of course, infidelity doesn’t just “happen,” it’s a decision, and Perkins’ claim is the same one that Josh Duggar made.

Meanwhile, millions of atheists – who statistically have a lower rate of divorce and incarceration – and those who don’t believe in God, have never been unfaithful to their spouses, but to Tony Perkins, that’s a concept impossible to imagine.



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Image: Screenshot via Fox News

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