Huckabee: If Man Thinks He Can Redefine Marriage, ‘Man Believes He Has Become His Own God’

Mike Huckabee had strong words against same-sex marriage at an “All Lives Matter” event.

It’s not surprising that Mike Huckabee chose to once again attack same-sex marriage this weekend, but the irony of where he chose to do so is, at best, amusing. The former Arkansas governor who is still struggling in the polls attended an anti-choice event titled All Lives Matter. Yes, its founders appropriated the Black Lives Matter movement to make their anti-abortion claim.

Apparently, for Huckabee, all lives matter, but once out of the womb, some lives matter more than others.

“I would suggest that if man believes that he can redefine marriage, it’s apparent that man believes he has become his own god,” Huckabee told the small audience, “and this is a dangerous place for America to be,” he claimed. 

An ordained Southern Baptist preacher, Huckabee has never given voice to the idea that some people don’t believe in organized religion, and others belong to religions that support marriage equality.

He then warned that the only issue that really matters most is getting America back on track to being a god-fearing nation of believers.

“Yes, we need to address the economic concerns of the people of our country, and we must,” the second-tier GOP presidential candidate said. “And yes, we must address the national security threats to our country. We must. But if that’s all we do, and we do not come back to the understanding that the only explanation for this great republic of ours is the intervention of God’s providence, then we will never see this nation rise to its greatness again.” 

But perhaps most disturbing was Huckabee’s attempt to align the Bible with the Constitution. Our founding fathers, he said, “clearly understood that there was a God to whom we will ultimately answer, and our laws need to reflect His.”




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Image: Screenshot via On Target Radio/YouTube
Hat tip and video: Right Wing Watch


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