Donald Trump: ‘I Believe Very, Very Strongly. I’m A Big Believer In The Bible’ (Audio)

An Alabama Christian radio host asks Donald Trump to explain his “personal journey” in religion, Trump is all too happy to oblige.

Donald Trump‘s popularity is holding steady, but among one important voting bloc Trump hasn’t won significant support. Christian conservatives and evangelicals are leery of him in part because he doesn’t quote scripture, talk much about Jesus, or go to church often. And recently, Trump almost mocked Christianity.

Admitting he has never asked God for forgiveness, last month Trump talked about communion by saying, “When we go in church and I drink the little wine, which is about the only wine I drink, and I eat the little cracker — I guess that’s a form of asking forgiveness.”

Evangelicals were not pleased.

Trump today had an opportunity to make up for his comments, during an interview with Christian radio host Cliff Sims of Yellowhammer News in Alabama. And boy, did he try.

“Trump, in what has become known as his trademark non-politically correct style, said if he becomes President he will use the word ‘Christmas’ as much as possible,” Yellowhammer News reports of its interview today with The Donald.

“There’s an assault on anything having to do with Christianity,” the GOP frontrunner said. “They don’t want to use the word Christmas anymore at department stores.”

“There’s always lawsuits and unfortunately a lot of those lawsuits are won by the other side,” he added. “I will assault that. I will go so strongly against so many of the things, when they take away the word Christmas.”

“I go out of my way to use the word Christmas,” the billionaire insisted.

Trump also said he is a Christian, and is “somebody that believes very strongly in the Bible, believes in God.”

“I’m Protestant,” he said. “I’m Presbyterian to be exact. And I grew up in Sunday school, and I did all of the things that you probably did. And I believe very, very strongly. I’m a big believer in the Bible.”

“I’m not sure numbers of times going to church,” Trump said. “I go as often as I can. As you can imagine, I have a schedule that’s not like a normal person’s schedule. My schedule is a killer. But I go as often as possible.”

The Hill adds that “Trump’s remarks come as he heads into the Bible Belt on Friday evening for a major campaign rally in Alabama,” at Ladd Peebles Stadium in Mobile, which holds tens of thousands of people. 



Image by iprimages via Flickr and a CC license

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