Pat Robertson: ‘Christians Are Being Made To Bow Down Before The Two Percent Who Are Homosexual’

Pat Robertson is back, with falsehoods to support his theocratic theories.

Octogenarian televangelist Pat Robertson went on an anti-gay screed today, attacking the five black-robed Supreme Court justices who ruled same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. That, of course, he labeled “tyranny,” and claimed if the Supreme court is allowed to be the final arbiters of the Constitution, America will be ruled by a tyrannical oligarchy of “left-wing so-called progressives” who have “hijacked the Constitution and control the court system of America.”

He claimed “Christians are being made to bow down before the two percent who are homosexual,” 

“We have surrendered the great freedom we have in this nation to an oligarchy of non-elected judges,” Robertson said. “This is a free country.”

“These five, and Justice Kennedy is off on this kick about the personhood and sanctity of personhood and being gay is your self-identity and all that baloney, it’s not in the Constitution but he’s come up with all of these rules.”

Robertson and his co-host, Terry Meeuwsen, then turned the conversation to anti-gay wedding cake bakers. They claimed gay people are intentionally targeting Christian bakers rather than getting wedding cakes from LGBT-supportive bakers – which of course is untrue.



Image: Screenshot via 700 Club
Hat tip: Right Wing Watch


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