Jimmy Kimmel Slams Hunter Who Killed Cecil The Lion: ‘That Difficult For You To Get An Erection?’

Jimmy Kimmel has no sympathy for the Minnesota dentist who slaughtered a famous Zimbabwean lion.

If there’s an award for a single monologue, Jimmy Kimmel deserves it for Tuesday night’s.

The host of ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” tore into “a-hole” Walter James Palmer, the now-infamous Minnesota dentist who shot a protected and beloved lion named Cecil, who lived in a Zimbabwean national conservation park. 

Kimmel describes the gory details, and includes Palmer’s PR firm-crafted statement that claims he had no idea the lion was protected when he “took” it.

“First of all,” Kimmel chastised, “stop saying you ‘took’ the animal. You take aspirin; you killed the lion.” 

The comedian also launched into an attack on Palmer and “big game” hunters who kill for “sport.”

LOOK: Calls Mount For Dentist Who Shot Famous Lion To Death To Be Extradited

“Why are you shooting a lion in the first place?,” he asked. “I’m honestly curious to know why a human being would feel compelled to do this — how is that fun? Is it that difficult for you to get an erection that you have to kill things?”

“If that’s the case, they have a pill for that. It works great. Just stay home and swallow it, and you save yourself a lifetime of being the most hated man in America who never advertised Jell-O pudding on television.”

UPDATE: Look: Right Now Hundreds Are Protesting At The Dental Office Owned By Killer Of Cecil The Lion

After ingeniously compared Palmer to Bill Cosby, he shared with the audience the sad fact that this was far from Palmer’s first hunt, saying he basically half of all the animals on Noah’s ark.

Kimmel towards the end even got choked up, and told the audience there’s a way to help make something good come out of this tragedy by donating to the Wildlife Conservation Unite at Oxford, the organization that was studying Cecil.

“If you want to make this into a positive,” Kimmel said, choking up. “Sorry. I’m okay. I’m good. Make a donation to support them. At the very least, maybe we can show the world that not all Americans are like this jackhole.”

As NCRM reported last night, there’s also a White House petition urging the administration to allow Zimbabwe to extradite Palmer back to stand trial. In just over 12 hours it’s received nearly 50,000 signatures. 

“I just wanted to send a message to Zimbabwe this is not who we are in America,” the petition’s author, Memeographs founder Scott Wooledge explains in an excellent piece at Daily KOS about the petition and Cecil. “We don’t agree with this reckless disgusting act.”



Image: Screenshot via Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube
Hat tip: The Dodo

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