J.K. Rowling Brilliantly Mocks Twitter Troll Over His Serena Williams Sexist Slam

J.K. Rowling is at it again, standing up for women and minorities by publicly pointing out ignorance and insensitivity.

Top tennis champion Serena Williams just won her sixth Wimbledon championship, earning her fourth Grand Slam championship in a row, 21st major win, and her second “Serena Slam.”

It’s a big deal, and amazing achievement, so of course, the haters came out to knock her down.

Take Rob, whose Twitter bio is as empty as his logic.

The indomitable J.K. Rowling congratulated Williams on her huge accomplishment via Twitter:

Rob with no last name apparently felt compelled to respond:

So, as she has done many times before, Rowling unleashed an epic slam to highlight and condemn homophobia or sexism:




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Image via J.K. Rowling


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