Fox News Pastor: ‘Real Jesus’ Saying ‘Render Unto Caesar’ Means Churches Should Hand Over Immigrants

Watch as a Fox News pastor offers new insight into how Jesus would deal with churches offering sanctuary to undocumented immigrants.

Donald Trump‘s continued attack on Mexicans has ignited a firestorm, and Fox News has been only too happy to help throw fuel on the backs of undocumented immigrants. On Sunday, Fox News contributor Pastor Robert Jeffress offered viewers a new interpretation of the Christian Bible, saying churches that offer sanctuary to undocumented immigrants are breaking God’s law.

For centuries, churches have harbored those they believe are wrongly being sought for prosecution, but Jeffress – whose own extreme beliefs are anti-Catholic, anti-Muslim, anti-Mormon, anti-gay, and anti-women – chose to attack them.

Jeffress said his Texas megachurch doesn’t check the immigration status of everyone who walks through its doors, but “we’re also not going to harbor illegal immigrants who are criminals like some of these churches are doing.”

“Look, a lot of these liberal churches that harbor illegal immigrants who are criminals say they’re following the example of Jesus, the only problem is they are following the Jesus of their imagination rather than the Jesus of the Bible,” Dr. Jeffress mocked. “Look, Jesus was not this wimpy little guy who walked around munching sunflower seeds and saying nice things to people.”

“The real Jesus of the Bible said, ‘render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s’ – that is obey the government,” Jeffress continued.

As Raw Story reports, “Jeffress continued, adding that the ‘real Jesus’ cared more about American citizens who were victims of violent crimes committed by immigrants.”

We’re not sure what christian Bible Dr, Jeffress has been reading. 

Curiously, for Dr. Jeffress, that “obey the government” insistence applies only as he sees it should be. 

Jeffress spread false commentary just two weeks ago, claiming “those bakers in Oregon…lost their business because they wouldn’t bake a gay wedding cake.”

First, they didn’t lose their business. Second, they didn’t “obey the government,” but Jeffress thinks in this case that’s OK.


Image: Screenshot via Fox News
Hat tip: David Edwards at Raw Story

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