Duck Dynasty Dude: Atheists Don’t Exist Because ‘Our Calendars Are Based On Jesus Christ’ (Video)

Si Robertson wants atheists to know he thinks they don’t exist – and he offers a rather unique reason as proof.

The “Duck Dynasty” clan has been absent from the news of late, so of course they were itching to get back in. “Uncle Si,” promoting his new movie, Faith of Our Fathers, sat down with the Christian Post.

It did not go well.

“I don’t believe there’s a such thing as an atheist,” Si Robertson said. “Because there’s too much documentation. Our calendars are based on Jesus Christ.”

Well, actually, no, they’re not, as Hemant Mehta of the Friendly Atheist explains.

“Whether you believe in Him or not,” the Duck Dynasty dude continued, “every time you write down the day’s date you’re saying He’s here. Because if you get in a serious bind, the first thing you’ll do is say [God,] please help me.”

Mehta says Robertson is “parroting the offensive canard that ‘there are no atheists in foxholes,’ which is just not true. I would be glad to introduce Robertson to atheists who serve in the military, who risk their lives in defense of our country, who rely on each other instead of a Higher Power if they need help.”

In short, Robertson’s “proof” for why atheists don’t exist boils down to: He doesn’t know any and he’s never picked up a history book.

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Ignorance mixed with bullshit is his family’s currency these days.


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