After Donald Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham’s Cell Phone Number, Graham Hilariously Gets Last Laugh

Donald Trump Tuesday gave out Lindsey Graham’s cell phone number, but Sen. Graham wins this battle of wits.

Yesterday, Donald Trump stood up at a press conference, claimed that up until four years ago he had never even heard of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, but recalled that the South Carolina Senator had once called him asking for a recommendation and donation.

So Trump, the Republican frontrunner in the 2016 presidential race, decided to get revenge on Graham, after he stood up to Trump in support of his friend Sen. John McCain.

Trump read out Graham’s actual personal cell phone number.

Graham took the high road, offering this tweet yesterday:

Today, Trump offered that he did it merely “for fun.”

So Graham had some fun of his own. He recorded this video, “How to Destroy Your Cell Phone With Sen. Lindsey Graham.”

It’s hilarious, and getting tons of social media attention.

Pretty sure Lindsey Graham, who is also a GOP presidential candidate, wins this battle.



Image: Screenshot via IJReview/YouTube

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