Hate Crime: ‘JENNER FAGS’ Spray Painted On Gay Couple’s Home In New York

A same-sex couple in New York had their house vandalized with “JENNER FAGS” spray painted across the outside. 

“JENNER FAGS.” That’s what a same-sex couple in Wynantskill, New York found spray painted on the front of their house when they woke up Thursday morning. Lyle Houston and John Mcenerney say the anti-gay activist vandals also smashed a window in their Jeep and broke a windowpane in the side door of their house.

“You would think my initial gut reaction would be like, ‘oh my God, I fear for my life,’” said Mcenerney in an interview with WNYT. “I kind of feel more sorry for the person that they felt it was necessary to try to destroy somebody’s house.”  


Source: Screenshot WNYT Video

Source: Screenshot WNYT Video

Houston was home while the incident happened, but said he never heard anything. According to WNYT, Houston said there was also an incident on the Monday prior, but his pitbull scared the person away.

“It’s kind of ridiculous that in this day and age we have to see stuff like this happen, but unfortunately it does, even in Wynantskill,” said Mcenerney.

Wynantskill is a hamlet of just over 3000 people on the eastern edge of the Empire State.

The couple has no idea who vandalized their home or why it was done. The “Jenner” graffiti is an obvious reference to Caitlyn Jenner, however neither Houston nor Mcenerney are transgender so they don’t understand how the statement applies to them.

Houston put up shutters to cover and hide the hateful words, and the couple is trying to remain positive in light of what happened.

“If the person who did this, he, or she, or they develops a conscience and goes ‘hey, maybe I shouldn’t have done that,’ but I’m not holding my breath,” said Mcenerney.


Image: Screenshot via WNYT 
Hat tip: Towleroad

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