You’ll Never Guess Who The Republican Frontrunner For President Is Now

A new nationwide poll was just released, and you’ll never guess who’s at the top.

A new nationwide poll of 1002 Republicans taken June 11 to 14, 2015 finds the candidate GOP voters most prefer currently is someone named “undecided,” with 20 percent. Despite an increasingly heated battle among the GOP, that’s actually increased, from 14 percent in April.

But that’s not even the most shocking news from this Monmouth University Poll, which places at the top of the list of actual declared or likely Republican presidential candidates Dr. Ben Carson, with 11 percent.

Given Carson’s outbursts and the media’ focus on his anti-gay commentary, that, in a nut shell, should explain the current mindset of the GOP voter today. They want a political novice, someone who is so much of a Washington outsider they’re willing to vote for a candidate who has never held elected office, has no political experience, and, often, no idea what he’s talking about.

Oh, and someone extremely anti-gay, but who pretends they’re not.

That is their current standard bearer.

UPDATE: Breaking: Donald Trump Announces He Is Running For President

How does the rest of the GOP field stack up?

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (10%), Jeb Bush (9%), Florida Senator Marco Rubio (9%), former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (8%), Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (6%), Texas Senator Ted Cruz (5%), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (4%), former Texas Governor Rick Perry (4%), former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum (3%), businesswoman Carly Fiorina (2%), South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham (2%), businessman Donald Trump (2%), Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (1%), Ohio Governor John Kasich (1%), and former New York Governor George Pataki (0%).

Bush announced yesterday, and Donald Trump will announce today.



Ben Carson: Gay Rights Aren’t Civil Rights Because Gay People Don’t Have Separate Water Fountains

Ben Carson: ‘Open Question’ If President Has To Respect Supreme Court Decision On Gay Marriage

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Image via Wikimedia

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