State Lawmaker Furious Gay Pride Parade Held ‘On A Sunday To Purposely Mock Christian Values’

An Arkansas state senator who has been waging an anti-gay war for years is furious a gay pride parade is being held on a Sunday.

Look at that photo up there. 

Those are “ANTI-CHRISTIAN ACTIVISTS” marching in a Conway, Arkansas gay pride parade “ON A SUNDAY, THE LORD’S DAY.”

So says Arkansas State Senator Jason Rapert, who is furious that “a ‘Gay Pride Parade’ approved by Mayor Tab Townsell and the Conway City Council back in 2003 will once again be conducted on the Sabbath Day.”

The Republican lawmaker, born in 1972, believes he knows why they march every year on a Sunday.

“I believe it is because they understand that the lifestyle they are glorifying on our streets is considered sin by every Bible-believing Christian and they use their parade on a day reserved to worship God and reverence the Lord to mock Christians,” he wrote on Facebook early Sunday morning.

Rapert attached a video (below) to his Facebook rant, of the 2013 gay pride parade in Conway. Here are a few screenshots from the video he posted. Look how they are mocking Christians:


“This is truly one of the most offensive public displays against Christians you will find anywhere in our state and especially offensive because they have specifically chosen Sunday to try and intimidate people who believe in the Word of God,” Rapert says, calling it a “selfish display.”

Senator Rapert is angry with Conway’s “Mayor Townsell and all but two Conway City Council Members also just recently passed an ordinance in support of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender agenda for the city employees policies.”

Rapert claims that “no discrimination was occurring in Conway and no one had filed a complaint” (maybe because there was no law allowing them to do so?) He says those local politicians “chose to join with the gay political organization Human Rights Campaign to continue to force people to affirm that their agenda MUST have the complete attention of America and Conway even though they represent just 3.8% of the population.”

“The mayor and city council of Conway need to be reminded that they serve the majority of Conway citizens, not some radical homosexual activist group like the Human Rights Campaign that calls Christians bigots,” Rapert insists.

“I urge everyone to contact the Conway City Council and Mayor Tab Townsell and tell them that you oppose them for allowing activists to march through the streets of Conway on a Sunday to purposely mock Christian values and accuse Christians of being bigots.”

Watch the video Rapert posted of the 2013 pride parade:


Images: Screenshot via Log Cabin Democrat/YouTube
Hat tip: Raw Story


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