Rick Santorum: ‘Every Child’s Birthright Is To Be Raised By Their Mother And Father’

Rick Santorum just cannot help but attack same-sex families every chance he gets.

Rick Santorum told America we would see a far different candidate than the one we saw in 2012. The one we saw in 2012 insisted he was not obsessed with fighting same-sex marriage. The one he promised to show us this time insists he’s focused far more on the economy than on social issues.

Which of course is why Santorum accepted an invitation to speak on a recent conference call hosted by E.W. Jackson, the failed Tea Party pastor who ran for Lt. Governor in Virginia. Jackson is best-known for his war against LGBT people, referring to gays and lesbians as “perverted,” “degenerate,” “spiritually darkened” and “frankly very sick people psychologically, mentally and emotionally.”

There’s something to be said about the company you keep, especially when running for president.

Santorum took the opportunity to share with listeners on the call his belief that every child deserves to be raised by heterosexual parents.

I talk about the importance of focusing on the nuclear family,” the former Pennsylvania Republican Senator told his audience.

Speaking about the impending Supreme Court same-sex marriage ruling, Santorum stated that if the Court rules for marriage equality, that’ not the end of the line, “that doesn’t mean we won’t fight and try to push back both as the Congress should and as the president should as a co-equal branch of the government.”

“Depending on what they rule,” Santorum continued, “we would certainly make sure that we are protecting children and that we are creating an optimal atmosphere for every child, as I said, that have their birthright, which is to be raised by their mother and father.”

Salon notes that during the call “Santorum cited sociologists Robert Putnam and Charles Murray to argue that the ‘inability for people to rise in America’ can be traced back to ‘the breakdown of the nuclear family.'”

This audio clip via Right Wing Watch begins with a question from a listener on the call who asked Santorum about children “being forced to accept lifestyles that are totally against our values” by the government.



Image by iprimages via Flickr and a CC license
Hat tip: The Advocate

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