‘If You Want To Get Married With Them, You Should’: Adorable Kids Explain Logic Of Marriage Equality

What do children think about same-sex marriage? Apparently, they think everyone should just be happy. 

In just a few days, during Pride month, the Supreme Court is expected to rule on marriage equality. Companies like Apple, Coca-Cola, Google, Levi Strauss, Nike, the Walt Disney Company, and many more have voiced their support in favor of equal marriage rights for all. Now, Esurance has released a new video on the topic, but focuses on the perspective of children.

“Sometimes children can make complex issues so simple,” said Brian Shembeda, EVP, Creative Director at Leo Burnett Chicago, the advertising company that made the video for Esurance. “They remind us what it’s like to have dreams. Their words, as heard in the video, help us understand why equality is important. Because all children deserve the same right to pursue their dreams.”

The video titled, “#EqualDreams,” was filmed at a real wedding in Chicago on June 13, 2015. It features children who were asked to describe, in their words, what their future wedding day would be like. The result is pure adorableness as the children tackle the topic in the most simplistic way.

“Everybody should be allowed to get married,” one boy says with an enormous smile, “because if you love them, and they love you back, and you want to get married with them, I think you should get married with them.”

A young girl at the wedding sums everything up by adding, “everybody’s dreams should be allowed to come true because everyone should be happy.”

Esurance didn’t just create the video to make a political statement. Marriage actually has a direct impact in the company’s products. “We created this online film to show, in an emotionally compelling way, our belief that all dreams should be equal,” said Esurance Chief Marketing Officer Alan Gellman. “But it’s not just a belief. As a modern company, we act on that belief through our products and insurance offerings.” Gellman is referring to the opportunity for couples to combine policies, the potential to get multi-car discounts, and other opportunities for married couples.

According to PR Newswire, back in 2011, Esurance was one of the first car insurance companies to extend married rates to LGBT customers. In states where they’re allowed to, Esurance extends their special rate to married gay couples, domestic partners and those in civil unions—even in states that do not allow same-sex marriages.

While Esurance supports marriage equality, there are still opportunities for improvement in regards to their support of the LGBT community. Esurance is a unit of Allstate Insurance, a company that has a score of 85% on the HRC Corporate Equality Index. They were dinged for their lack of transgender-inclusive health care.


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