Breaking: NBC (Basically) Tells Donald Trump, You’re Fired

Donald Trump won’t be able to tell celebrities “you’re fired” anymore, at least not on NBC.

NBC is booting Donald Trump from its network, according to CNN’s senior media correspondent Brian Stelter. According to Stelter, NBCU (NBC Universal) has severed its business relationship with the multi-billionaire GOP presidential candidate over comments he made recently about immigrants, including calling some Mexicans “rapists.”

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best… They’re sending people who have lots of problems,” Trump said during his campaign announcement speech. “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some I assume are good people.”

NBCU has been under pressure from Hispanic groups, a Change.org petition, and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

“At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values,” NBCU said in a statement today. “Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump.”

Last week, Univision, the Spanish-language broadcaster owned by NBCU, also severed ties with Trump.

As of now, the Miss Universe pageant, which has been a joint business venture between NBCU and Trump, will not be broadcast on any NBCU network.

Stelter adds that NBC had said “it would ‘re-evaluate’ Trump’s role on the reality show.” On Twitter he and others offered these insights:


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