Pat Robertson: Gay Men Are Pedophiles Who Want To Recruit Your Sons (Video)

Pat Robertson is back attacking gay people, this time claiming that gay men are out to recruit boys in to homosexuality.

As he does every day, Pat Robertson answered viewers’ questions on Thursday’s “700 Club.” One woman, who said she was a widow whose son lives with her, was unsure what to do because her son – whose age she did not mention – is gay and having an affair with a man with two grown daughters, who is married to a woman.

Immediately, Robertson deduced that this married father of two is a “pedophile,” despite having no idea how old the woman’s son is.

“The guy that’s having sex with your son, married man, pedophile, I’d go to the church,” Robertson suggested, to report the man who’s “hitting on” the viewer’s son. “He’s a pedophile!,” Robertson repeated.

Robertson insisted that the woman’s son has no idea what he really wants, and that gay men recruit young boys into homosexuality.

“Her son right now doesn’t know what he wants and he doesn’t know whether he’s a homosexual or not a homosexual, but this guy is trying to talk him into that.”

“There’s so many young people, impressionable, some coach comes after them, some adult comes after them, some older sibling comes after them, and they somehow think, ‘Because they did this I must be gay.’ Well, he doesn’t know that for sure, he doesn’t know what sexual identity he’s got.”




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Image: Screenshot via CBN
Hat tip and video: Right Wing Watch

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