Anti-Gay Florist Pens Washington Post Op-Ed, Gets Totally Panned In Comments Section

Barronelle Stutzman’s attorneys are doing everything they can to make her into a victim of same-sex marriage, including spreading false claims. But getting an op-ed in the Washington Post supposedly written by her was not a good idea for their side.

In 2013 Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed wanted flowers for their wedding and turned to Washington State florist Barronelle Stutzman, whom Ingersoll had frequented many times before. She refused, citing her Christian beliefs against same-sex marriage. The State of Washington filed suit, but offered to settle for a mere $2000. Stutzman, represented by the virulently anti-gay Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) refused and went to trial.

The judge found her guilty, and fined her all of $1000 plus $1 in court costs.

Now, Stuzman is taking her case to the State Supreme Court.

Ingersoll and Freed also sued Stutzman in a separate suit, via the ACLU of Washington State.

That case has not been finalized, but today Doug Honig, Communications Director for the ACLU of Washington, told The New Civil Rights Movement via telephone that the couple was “very hurt by Stutzman’s refusal,” and merely want to make sure other couples aren’t treated the same way. Most importantly, Honig says, the couple is “not seeking significant damages.”

Which makes it strange since Stutzman recently told Fox News, “I certainly don’t relish the idea of losing my business, my home, and everything else that your lawsuit threatens to take from my family, but my freedom to honor God in doing what I do best is more important.”

She has also claimed, “They want my home, they want my business, they want my personal finances as an example for other people to be quiet.”

Stutzman’s attorney Kristen Waggoner repeatedly makes similar claims.

“The court’s decision, as well as the attorney general’s actions are sending a very clear unmistakable message Barronelle and anyone like her which is that if you dare to decline the government will bring about your personal and your professional ruin if you don’t help celebrate same-sex marriage.”

So which is it?

Will Stutzman lose her home, life savings, and her business, or will she have to pay a $1001 fee in one case and insignificant damages in another?

Could it possibly be this is just a fundraising opportunity for ADF?

Today, the Washington Post ran an op-ed that Stutzman supposedly wrote.

“We’ve always heard that same-sex marriage would never affect anyone aside from the same-sex couples who wanted to be married,” Stutzman’s op-ed states. “But a judge recently told me that my freedom to live and work according to my beliefs about marriage expired the day same-sex marriage became the law in my state.”

Meanwhile, in the comments section, readers aren’t putting up with Stutzman’s claims at all.

Here’s a selection, all from the past few minutes:



Image of Barronelle Stutzman screenshot via YouTube

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