Tweet Of The Day: Ann Coulter On Christian Anti-Gay Auto Shop Owner

Ann Coulter had to weigh in on the Michigan Christian auto shop owner who is refusing to serve gay people, because, Jesus.

A Michigan auto mechanic’s Facebook post went viral today. Brian Klawiter says he refuses to serve gay people because doing so would violate his Christian beliefs. And he is angry that as a white man in America he feels he is perceived as a “racists, privileged, bigot, conspiracy theorist.” Of course, if you’re not gay but have a gun you’ll get a discount.

LOOK: ‘I Would Refuse Service To Gay Persons. Homosexuality Is Wrong’ Says Business Owner, A Christian

Unlike the Indiana pizza shop owners who were approached by the media, Klawiter initiated this hysteria all by himself. And it seems clear no gay person requested he fix their truck – this was just an unprovoked rant that has since gone viral, national, and even international.

It’s gone so far into the mainstream that conservative columnist, author, and hat monger Ann Coulter today weighed in via Twitter, with a rather ridiculous opinion: Klawiter, Ann Coulter believes, is the victim here, and liberals are to blame.

Get it? Liberals just couldn’t leave good Christians like Brian Klawiter alone – despite having nothing to do with him – so he, in Coulter’s mind, was forced to attack gay people. Or something equally stupid.


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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