Pat Robertson Tells Woman To Forgive Husband’s Gay Affair If He’s Not A ‘Habitual Homosexual’

Televangelist Pat Robertson’s advice to a woman upset her husband had sex with another man is surprising.

On today’s “700 Club” Pat Robertson delivered some surprising advice to a woman who wrote in asking if she should forgive her husband. 

“My husband and I are Christians and have been together for 11 years,” Caroline writes. “Recently, I found out he cheated on me with a male Christian friend in our Church. He says it was a mistake, that it just happens while they were drunk, and he wants me to forgive him. I don’t know if I can. What should I do?”

It’s too bad Robertson couldn’t try to learn more from the viewer, like if the two drunk men were watching “girl-on-girl” movies, which Robertson says makes men gay. Or if he was raised by a divorced single woman, which Robertson also says makes men gay. 

How did the 85-year old Southern Baptist respond?

“Well, hey, drunk, he didn’t know what he was dealing with,” Robertson insisted. “She says, ‘Should I forgive?’ Of course you should. If he were this way all the time, if he’s a habitual drunk, if he’s a habitual homosexual, if he’s a habitual philanderer, then by all means take a hike. But one time, 11 years, don’t throw all of that away.” 

It’s surprising that Robertson told the woman to forgive her husband, since he believes the “onslaught of homosexual behavior” forced on the U.S. is “having deadly consequences.”

Of course, we may expect another letter from Caroline, probably soon. Robertson says that “the gays” are threatening Christians by demanding they have “open sex with anyone” or leave America, so her husband may be making some demands.

Robertson also says gay people are “terrorists,” “radicals,” and “extremists,” but perhaps he was referring only to habitual homosexuals.


Image: Screenshot via CBN
Hat tip and video: Right Wing Watch

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