Pat Robertson Opposes Gay Marriage Because No One ‘Conceived A Child Through Anal Intercourse’

Pat Robertson has jumped off the deep end once again, and once again he’s railing against anal intercourse.

A view wrote in to Pat Robertson‘s “700 Club” to ask the octogenarian televangelist how same-sex couples can “claim they are Christians” and “continue to live this lifestyle?” The anonymous viewer didn’t explain what “lifestyle” he was referring to, but perhaps it is the one where gay people wake up, go to work, come home, kiss their spouse, make dinner, walk the dog, pay their bills, catch up on the news, and go to bed?

Robertson, whose net worth is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars if not over $1 billion, responded that LGBT people claim to be Christians because “the gays wants to control everything.”


“This is part of the left-wing agenda,” Robertson commented to his co-host, Terry Meeuwsen, “to do away with Christian values and to substitute for Christian values the progressive concepts of morality.”

And just what are those progressive concepts of morality?

“You tell me if anybody, if you show me one couple that conceived a child through anal — through anal intercourse — just show me one in all the world, and I will say, ‘I agree with you and you are right’” about same-sex marriage. “Show me one. There are 8 billion people, 7 billion, show me one time when a child was conceived by that kind of sexual activity,” Robertson continued. “It is unnatural, I’m sorry.”

Also unnatural? Television, calling a multi-million dollar media empire a “ministry,” and asking millions of people for a part of their financial savings so they can spiritually “saved.”

In 2012, Robertson unleashed another anti-gay rant focused on “anal intercourse,” saying, “I defy these homosexuals to bring forth a baby from that part of the anatomy which they concentrate on, when that happens I will change everything I’m saying; until that happens, I wish those demonstrators would shut their mouth.”



Pat Robertson: Homosexuality A “Compulsion Related To Demonic Possession” 

Pat Robertson: If You’re Not A Christian You Are A “Virus” 

Pat Robertson: Gay Marriage Is An “Abomination”


Image: Screenshot via CBN
Hat tip and video: Right Wing Watch

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