Bill O’Reilly Warns Christians Are ‘Verbally Being Killed’ By Progressives (Video)

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly sees every attempt to advance society as a war on Christians, but somehow cannot see Christians’ war on society.

For decades, if not centuries, Christians have been attacking LGBT people, verbally and physically. Gay people, and at an increasingly alarming rate, transgender people, have been verbally and physically assaulted and even murdered, not infrequently in the name of religion. Doctors who provide abortion services have their offices picketed and women attempting to enter those facilities are verbally assaulted on a daily basis. Entire organizations exist to attack these women and their families, in the name of the Christian God. Entire organizations exist to verbally attack gay people, in the name of the Christian God. It is actually a multi-million dollar industry. There are people whose paid, corporate job is to denigrate gay people, and work to deny us our civil rights. 

Not a day goes by where there is not an LGBT person in America who is told they or their relationship is an abomination in the eyes of God. Rarely does a week go by where a lawmaker is not standing up to defend the right of Christians to not have to treat LGBT people as equals, and rarely does a week go by where a lawmaker does not attack gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people as dangerous, often in the name of God.

It is against this background that Fox News host Bill O’Reilly Tuesday night had the unmitigated gall to declare that Christians in America are “verbally being killed by secular progressives.” 


LGBT people and our allies, whom today, thankfully, is the majority of America including many or most of America’s 80 plus percent Christians, are standing up and saying it’s not OK to discriminate or hate against gay people, against trans people, and it’s not OK to do it in your business, in housing, in education, or anywhere else.

And if you do, if you treat gay people as “less than,” as evil, as dangerous, or even with Christian “love” – by telling us we’re sinners and going to hell – the rest of America will call you a bigot, or ignorant, or tell you it’s just no longer acceptable to do that anymore.

After showing clips of himself and other pundits claiming “Judeo-Christian traditions are under attack,” O’Reilly confronted Fox News’ secular agnostic libertarian Jon Stossel, who agreed “in a few places” Christians are under attack, but not from progressives, and not in America.

“Your ‘War on Christianity,’ you’re just a ten-foot tall crybaby,” Stossel accused. “Christians aren’t being killed, and not in America, and they’re not going to be.”

“No, not yet,” O’Reilly interrupted.

“You shouldn’t be diminished because you believe a certain way,” O’Reilly demanded – entirely ignoring the countless years, decades, and centuries Christians have diminished LGBT people and women, not for their chosen beliefs, but for their genetic and emotional construction.

O’Reilly lamented that secularists say “religion stands in the way of unfettered abortion, that it stands in the way of gay marriage, that it stands in the way of legalized narcotics – all the things the secularists want, that hasn’t gone away. And they’re still on the attack.”

Yes, we are, because religion stands in the way of loving same-sex couples wanting their legal, civil right to marry, and have their marriages respected. Religion stands in the way of a woman’s legal right to choose, often in conjunction with her family and her physician. 

O’Reilly is demanding progressives not call Christians bigots because they oppose same-sex marriage, and not to call Christians “anti-women because we want some restrictions on abortion… Don’t do that, I’m going to fight you if you do that.”

Our message to Bill O’Reilly should be: “Don’t tell us who we can or cannot marry, and don’t tell us what or how to decide on our bodies.”

It’s stunning he cannot see both sides.

One final note, perhaps the mot important one. O’Reilly frames this as progressives vs. Christians. In the real world, it’s most of America vs. religious extremists. Big difference.



Image: Screenshot via Fox News
Hat tip: Mediaite


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