‘You Don’t Speak For Christians’: Tony Perkins Gets Cool Reception From CBS News Host (Video)

CBS News veteran journalist Bob Schieffer introduced Family Research Council president Tony Perkins as a hate group leader.

Since 1991 Bob Schieffer has been the anchor and host of CBS News’ “Face the Nation.” On Sunday, in a conversation on same-sex marriage and Tuesday’s Supreme Court hearing, the veteran journalist who also serves as CBS’ chief Washington correspondent introduced Family Research Council president Tony Perkins as the head of an anti-gay hate group.

“Mr. Perkins, I’m going to say this to you upfront. You and your group have been so strong in coming out against this and against gay marriage that the Southern Poverty Law Center has branded the Family Research Council an anti-gay hate group,” Schieffer said, introducing Perkins. “We have been inundated by people who say we should not even let you appear because they, in their view — quote — you don’t speak for Christians. Do you think you’ve taken this too far?”

Raw Story’s David Edwards noted Schieffer “explained” his introduction of Perkins “as if it were a warning to his viewers.”

Perkins told Schieffer that same-sex marriage – should the Supreme Court find a constitutionally protected right of marriage for same-sex couples – will be treated like Roe v. Wade, and his side will continue to battle it forever.

“The Court is not going to settle this issue,” he claimed. 

Schieffer questioned how Perkins could say that if the Supreme Court rules in support of same-sex marriage it will be open season on people of faith. “How can you say that?”

Perkins also wholly mischaracterized an event over the weekend. On Friday, an Oregon court ruled the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa should be fined $135,000 for violating that state’s nondiscrimination ordinances. A GoFundMe page was set up for the bakers, but GoFundMe removed it hours later because it violated their terms of service. GoFundMe said it does not allow its platform to be used to raise funds for people convicted of breaking the law.

LOOK: GoFundMe Cancels Sweet Cakes By Melissa Fundraising Campaign, Bakers Blame ‘Satan’

Perkins blamed “gay activists” for the cancelation of the fundraiser.

Schieffer also cornered Perkins on a call for impeachment of Supreme Court justices should they vote for marriage equality. Perkins wholly denied it. 

Alvin McEwen, a veteran blogger, author, and LGBT activist, on Sunday wrote, “Tony Perkins tells HUGE lie on ‘Face the Nation’ about SCOTUS impeachments.”

McEwen says “Perkins is not being truthful. He in fact did say something about impeaching the judges. According to Right Wing Watch, on Thursday of last week, he was interviewed by the Iowa based radio host Jan Mickelson.”

 . . . Perkins predicted will end with the court striking down bans on same-sex marriage across the country. Once this occurs, Perkins warned, “it will be open season on people of faith.” He predicted that the court will issue a ruling similar to Roe v. Wade, further dividing Americans and contradicting “natural law.” Mickelson suggested that if this happens, members of Congress should try to “remove” the Supreme Court’s “jurisdiction” over the marriage issue and “nullify” its decision, sending the message to the justices that “if you try it again we will impeach your sorry keisters.” Perkins heartily agreed: “I think you’re absolutely right.”

The second half of the segment featured Evan Wolfson, the founder and head of Freedom to Marry, and the man known as the father of the marriage movement. 

Wolfson labeled Perkins an “outlier,” noting, “what’s to be celebrated here is that the vast majority of Americans have opened their hearts and changed their mind and moved forward to embrace the freedom to marry. And the courts are following where that public opinion has gone.”



Image: Screenshot via Tony Perkins/YouTube
Hat tip: Raw Story

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