Tom Delay Will ‘Fight To The Bitter End’ For His ‘Right’ To Not Serve ‘Some Gay Person’ (Video)

Former Republican House Majority Leader Tom Delay has some very strong opinions about “religious liberty” and gay people, who are “sinners.”

The Republican Party has a problem. It is the party that not only supports hypocrisy, it is the party that fosters it.

Perhaps this is why conservatives look to people like Tom Delay as arbiters of morality.

Delay, of course, is the former Republican U.S. Congressman and former House Majority Leader, forced to resign amid scandal. He was charged with money laundering and criminal conspiracy, found guilty, but an appellate court overturned his convictions.

While in office, he was accused of misusing the FAA and Federal Marshals, was tied to lobbyist and future felon Jack Abramoff, blamed the Columbine High School massacre on the teaching of evolution, and called his involvement in the Terri Schiavo case “one of my proudest moments in Congress.”

An admitted adulterer, Delay became a born-again Christian in 1985, although he was known as the “Meanest Man in Congress” and “The Hammer” well after that.

A 2005 opinion column by Mark Shields began, “To grasp the moral bankruptcy of the public Tom DeLay…”

So, it is against this backdrop of misdeeds and questionable immoral deeds that Newsmax, a right wing news agency, invited Tom Delay to opine on the firestorm surrounding GOP Gov. Mike Pence’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

“Religious liberty is the foundation of this country,” Delay told Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg. He claimed that what gay people are “trying to do is undermine religious liberty so that they become an accepted sexual orientation. And we have got to fight this battle to the bitter end because when you let the government dictate to you what you believe and what your values are, this county is finished.”

Delay said America’s overwhelming opposition to the RFRA is “the result of the gay agenda.”

“We’re now seeing what the gay agenda is all about … What they’re trying to do is to undermine religious liberty so that they become an accepted sexual orientation. That’s what’s going on here and we have got to fight this battle to the bitter end because once you let the government dictate to you what you believe and what your values are, then this country’s finished.”

“This isn’t about discrimination,” Delay claimed. “We love people that have chosen to be homosexuals. The problem is we abhor the sin.”

“So yes, when I have a business and some gay person walks in — unidentified by the way, there’s no way you can tell it unless he tells you — then I’m going to serve him.”

“But if he comes in and asks me to undermine my values, what I believe in, undermine my religious liberty, then I have the right to stand up for what I believe in and not serve him,” DeLay insisted. “It’s not discrimination.”



Image via Twitter
Hat tip: David Edwards at Raw Story


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